Dr. Geraldine Katz

Dr. Geraldine Knatz is the Executive Director of the Port of Los Angeles, “America’s Port.” She is both the first woman and first marine biologist to run a major port. Knatz has been leading the clean-up of the largest port complex in the Western Hemisphere, where billions of dollars of goods are moved each day.

Since taking charge in 2006, she’s helped replace 5,000 diesel-spewing trucks with cleaner vehicles and gotten dockside electric outlets for ships to plug in to (they call it ‘cold ironing’), reducing the burning of smoky ship fuel for in-port power. Air quality has improved oby over 75 percent, while water quality is such that sea lions and sharks now visit the harbor,whose waters were once black and full of garbage. “I wasn’t hired to maintain the status quo,” she admits happily.

She’s now also leading the global greening ports movement as president of the International Association of Harbors and Ports.